The Hiddenbrooke Property Owners Association, Inc. (HPOA) is a mandatory association of Hiddenbrooke property owners in Vallejo, California. The organization was formed in November 2005 by a majority vote of 1,200+ Hiddenbrooke property owners based upon CC&Rs recorded by the Master Developer. HPOA is a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation and operates under California Corporate Law. Unlike many homeowner’s associations, HPOA does not own any common area property.
The Hiddenbrooke Property Owners Association (HPOA) is a non-profit corporation that endeavors to promote the common good, general welfare, and community upkeep for Hiddenbrooke residents by keeping the community informed about the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and actively working on compliance. Our goal is to enhance the beauty, livability, property values, and security of our community.
HPOA uses paid contractors to help monitor and enforce the CC&Rs and for financial management. The Board is assisted by the Hiddenbrooke Architectural Review Committee (HARC) which reviews all home improvements, including new landscaping, any changes to the outside of a home, and plans for new Custom Homes. Finally, HPOA manages the Welcome Center (funded through your property taxes) and coordinates with the City to maintain the common area landscaping which is part of the Hiddenbrooke Maintenance District (HMD).
The HPOA uses the annual assessment to pay for the management and operation of the Association and to conduct the business and affairs of the Association.
You can contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.
Bob Schussel – President, HMD Liaison (Term Ends 2025)
Troy Killorn (Term ends June 2024)
Marco Moroyoqui (Term ends June 2025)
James Wahleithner
HPOA welcomes self-nominations for two vacant Board positions. Are you interested? Click here to complete the nomination form and submit to
HARC: Marcelline Mahern
HMDAC: Byrne Conley
Welcome Center Manager: Chuck Cochongo
Social Committee: Rose Preciado
Welcome Committee: Barbara Schwenk & Chris Anthony
The HPOA mailing address for general correspondence is:
Hiddenbrooke Property Owners Association, Inc.
850 Hiddenbrooke Parkway
Vallejo, CA 94591
Submit Payments to:
Please include your Name, Property Address, and Account # on your check.
Need to update your owner information? Please access your resident portal to make changes there or fill in this form and submit to RealManage at
Click here for a list of all HB Developments and their street names